
Amy Schumer’s boyfriend is ‘different’ from exes

Amy Schumer’s boyfriend is "totally different" from the "narcissistic" guys she’s dated in the past.
The ‘Inside Amy Schumer’ star has been romancing furniture designer Ben Hanisch for several months and believes he could be the real deal because he’s so loving and supportive of her career in the limelight.
Speaking to ‘Entertainment Tonight’, she said: "I usually would go for narcissists who, you know, could never be happy. [Ben’s] just very supportive and loving and I think we’re very proud of each other. He is so far removed from this business that it’s really nice."
However, the blonde beauty hasn’t always felt like this as she admitted just last month that she was constantly fearing that the hunk would call time on their relationship.
She said at the time: "Being in love is the scariest thing in the world. You want to f***ing cry and scream. I can’t handle it. Every time we say goodbye, I think, ‘This will have been a nice last week together.’ Or I tell myself nothing is real and he’s going to leave me and tell me he never loved me. I feel so bad for him. How exhausting it must be dating me."
Meanwhile, the 35-year-old beauty hasn’t had the best of luck when it comes to love and claimed in her new memoir ‘The Girl With The Lower Back Tattoo’, that her abusive ex Dan, who she dated in her twenties, had tried to kill her.
She penned: "I was screaming for him to stop, when he grabbed a butcher knife from a drawer. And that’s when I was sure he was going to kill me. It may sound cliché, but I saw my life flash before my eyes.
"I thought he was the love of my life for a long time but I allowed him to hurt me in ways that I still don’t understand.
"Dan and I would go to happy hours and get drunk, and then he’d get mad and shove me little. Sometimes from the shove, I’d trip over something and fall, and get hurt."
And her doomed love life didn’t just start there as Amy has revealed losing her virginity was not a "good" experience.
She said earlier this year: "My first sexual experience was not a good one. I didn’t think about it until I started reading my journal again. When it happened, I wrote about it like a throwaway. It was like, ‘And then I looked down and realised he was inside of me.’ He was saying, ‘I’m so sorry’ and ‘I can’t believe I did this.’ "