
Amy Schumer and Emily Ratajkowski arrested

Amy Schumer and Emily Ratajkowski have been arrested.
The two actresses were among the thousands of people who assembled at the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington D.C. on Thursday (04.10.18) to protest the possible appointment of Brett Kavanaugh – who has been accused of sexual assault – to the Supreme Court when they were picked up by police and taken into custody.
In a video shared on Twitter, Amy said: "I think we’re going to get arrested."
Half an hour later, she was asked by a police officer who tried to escort her forwards: "Do you want to be arrested?"
She replied: "Yes."
Emily detailed her own arrest on Instagram.
She wrote: "Today I was arrested protesting the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, a man who has been accused by multiple women of sexual assault.
"Men who hurt women can no longer be placed in positions of power. Kavanaugh’s confirmation as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States is a message to women in this country that they do not matter.
"I demand a government that acknowledges, respects and supports women as much as it does men."
Both the ‘Trainwreck’ actress and the ‘Gone Girl’ star had spoken to protestors earlier in the day.
Amy told the crowd: "That’s what we’re going to do: We’re going to keep showing up and no matter how this goes, they cannot keep us down.
"We will win. A vote for Kavanaugh is a vote saying ‘Women don’t matter.’ Let’s stay together. Let’s fight. Let’s keep showing up."
The ‘I Feel Pretty’ co-stars were among the 302 people police said they had arrested at the demonstration.
They did not release names of those who were detained "due to the large number being processed."