
Amy Childs struggles being a single parent

Amy Childs struggles being a single parent.
The former ‘The Only Way Is Essex’ star split from her partner Bradley Wright just a few weeks after their seven-month-old daughter Polly was born, and, though the 27-year-old is adamant the pair will never get back together, she has admitted there are times when she finds it "tough" coping on her own and would like to have someone to help her out.
Speaking to OK! Magazine about motherhood, she said: "There are times when it’s really tough.
"Polly usually sleeps through the night, but she’s teething at the moment so she’s been waking up every hour.
"It’s times like that when I’d love to have a partner who could help me out or look after her while I have a bath.
"Being a mum is non-stop and sometimes it’s really tough, but I have to remind myself that I’m doing a good job and that I just need to get on with things."
And though Amy has the support of her family, she says it doesn’t compare to that of a lover.
She added: "I get a lot of help from my parents as they live just down the road, but it doesn’t replace what I’m missing in a partner. "
Although Amy has her difficult moments she has "no regrets" and insists motherhood has been "the best thing" for her, as she has found she has become "less selfish" now she has a child.
The reality star said: "Motherhood is the best thing I’ve ever done, though – I have no regrets.
"I’ve also learnt that you become less selfish when you have a child, it’s not all about you anymore."
Although Amy insists she will not rekindle her romance with Bradley, she has found she gets on "better" since the break up.
She said: "Absolutely not. We get on better now that we’re not together. We’re never going to be best friends but we work together to do the best thing by Polly."