
Alexandra Burke terrified of losing boyfriend Angus MacDonald to cancer

Alexandra Burke was terrified of losing her boyfriend Angus MacDonald when he was diagnosed with cancer.
The 31-year-old singer’s soccer star boyfriend was diagnosed with bowel cancer in August 2019 and after undergoing treatment, including two operations, he is now cancer free but Alexandra admitted she was fearful that he could die.
Speaking to Vas J Morgan for the ‘I AM ENOUGH’ chat on Instagram, Alexandra – whose mum Melissa Bell died in 2017 after a nine-year battle with kidney failure – said: "For me the main thing that came to my mind was I found someone I really really adore, and I might lose him and that for me was the hardest part.
"I was determined not to lose him so I called my doctor, just did whatever it took to ask about vitamins and what he can take, and what can I do, and it became a mission of mine.When he got given the all clear and then released it publicly I was then grieving, so as soon as he got the all clear I was then in shambles because of everything I’d gone through, including my mum.
"I was just going through one thing after the other and then I grieved, now when I look back at it i thought there’s a lot I mentally can’t remember, it was a massive blur.
"One minute we were dating, and then everything is going well and we are on cloud nine and then all of a sudden we’re hit like that, got hit by the c word, I still can’t even bring myself to say it, and then I look back at it and go wow he is probably one of the strongest men I know, he’s so strong."
Angus, 27, took to Instagram last year to reveal he had beaten bowel cancer and he paid tribute to Alexandra for her support.
He wrote: "It was great to be back in the training ground today with the boys, and for very good reason. I’ve been given the best news I’ve ever had… I am Cancer free!
"It’s been the hardest few months of my life and at times you go to some dark places, but I’ve been lucky enough to have some great people around me to keep me positive and focused on getting better.
"I want to thank everyone for the thousands of kind messages I’ve received, and support I have had. I especially want to thank my Mum and Dad, My Sisters, Andrew the physio, Rick my agent and my partner Alexandra who have all been with me every single step of the way, and without you all I don’t know how I would of got through this. The comeback is on! Goose #F**kYouCancer (sic)."