
Alan McGee: Oasis would spoil the legend if they reunite

Alan McGee thinks Oasis would "f*** up" their "legendary" status if they ever reunite.
The band’s former manager doubts bitter sibling rivals, Noel and Liam Gallagher will reform the ‘Little by Little’ rock group, and he hopes they don’t because he thinks it could spoil their position as one of the most influential bands of all time.
According to The Sun newspaper, Alan said: "I just hope they don’t spoil the legend, try and recreate and get back together.
"They’d f*** it up. As long as you don’t do that, then they are legends forever. So let’s leave it legendary."
Asked if he thinks a reunion is on the cards further down the line, he added: "I can’t see it. They are just in different places. It’s always moment in time.
"You can’t keep going back to try and be 21 again.
"You have got to move on, you know."
However, Alan, 56, previously said he could see Oasis getting back together in 10 years’ time, but without Noel, 49.
The iconic rock group split in 2009 following a massive backstage bust-up between the famous brothers, but Alan said at the time that he could see a scenario in which singer Liam leads a reunion without his older sibling.
He mused: "I think it will get to a stage when Liam takes them back on the road, maybe in 10 years or something. There is a massive fan base of younger people who never had the chance to see them live."
However, Alan cannot see Noel returning to the band given the bad blood that still exists between him and his 44-year-old brother.
He said: "He’s my pal, I know how he thinks, and he doesn’t need it. The two of them don’t get on. It’s not an act."
Acknowledging the bad blood that exists between Liam and Noel, Alan – who signed Oasis to his Creation Records label and helped them become the biggest band in the world – claimed the documentary film ‘Supersonic’, which charted their phenomenal rise, reaffirmed his belief that the brothers cannot work together again.
He previously said: "I can’t see Noel Gallagher going back and doing it. If anything came out of that film [‘Supersonic’], it was that it’s done, it’s finished, don’t spoil the f***ing legend."