
Ackley Bridge returning for series 4

Channel 4 has confirmed ‘Ackley Bridge’ will be returning for a fourth series.
After Tuesday’s (21.08.18) emotional finale – which saw Jordan Wilson (Sam Bottomley) have an breakthrough with his dad and decide to chase his art college dreams – the broadcaster has revealed the popular school drama will be back for another run.
George Ormond, executive producer of the show, said: "Making ‘Ackley Bridge’ gives us the chance to tell stories about a part of multicultural Britain that doesn’t get seen on TV very often, and do it with humour, guts and a big heart.
"We’re particularly proud to have given six writers their first hour of television drama in the first two series, five of whom are from diverse backgrounds."
Eight episodes are set for next year, making it four shorter than the most recent run – but still two more than there was for its first series in 2017.
This week’s finale did enough to leave viewers satisfied while still leaving plenty to expand on in 2019, with headteacher Mandy Carter (Jo Joyner) getting to keep her job after the school – which was facing the possibility of mass redundancies or needing to massively cut costs – was saved by the Valley Trust.
Meanwhile, Jordan has been left in a position to turn his life around on an art foundation course, and a chance to move into halls.
‘EastEnders’ actress Jo previously revealed her excitement and delight at being involved in such a successful drama.
She said: "It’s always really lovely to get a chance to do a series again.
"I’ve been really fortunate since leaving ‘EastEnders’ to do a lot of new series. A lot of them have gone again for another series.
"There’s something really special about starting up a series with a whole company with a crew and a cast and producers and the art directors."